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Welcome to our new blog! Here is where we will be sharing needs of the homeless and less fortunate, stories of hope and inspiration and updates on volunteer and support needs for Ruth's Heart. We hope you will follow and share our blog with others as we seek to serve our neighbors and friends on the streets of Memphis.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Need help for a family whose home burned

We are working with another local ministry "Big Dog Street Ministry" to assist a family whose home burned.  If you have clothing in any of the following sizes that you can donate please let us know.  Unexpectedly starting over is so hard, please consider helping this family any way you can.  Thank you and God bless!!
Sizes:  pants are boys 16 men's sizes 30-32, 34-34, 40-36 shirt sizes are small, medium, large And extra large women sizes pants 7 girls shirt size small girls Shoes sizes are from sizes 6,7,8,9,10 11, 12

Monday, January 19, 2015

Need Women's Clothing For A Job Interview!

A long time client is actively looking for a second job (so proud of her!!!) and needs new clothes to make a good first impression!

Sizes:  Pants (22) / Shirts or Blouses (24 or 3X)

aIf you or someone you knows might be able to help, please let us know!

You can help in two ways:

1) Donate by clicking here for a gift card. (Please put "interview" in the comment section of the donation page.)
2) Donate new or lightly used clothing by contacting us.

Thank you and have a blessed day!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Savvy shopping provides meals for $1.17 each!!!

Emergency food bags are a big part of our ministry, thanks to your donations we were recently able to purchase 6 food supplies for families in crisis, many with children. 

Each supply provides about 30 meals each for $211.00...That is $1.17 per meal!!

If you'd like to join our food bag ministry please send us a message, we have many opportunities to help both financially plus several volunteer opportunities. Please share this with your small group and friends we would love to serve those in need with you!

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