A client that desperately wants to go back to school could use your help! We are trying to raise money to provide bus passes for Ms. Esther to go back to school for the next 9 months. She does not have transportation and our goal is to give her 5 bus passes each week for the entire 9 months so transportation is one less thing she will have to worry about. If you would like to support Ms. Esther in her pursuit of a better life and a career, please think about sponsoring her by helping provide her the gift of transportation.
Weekly sponsor - $17.50 (5 passes X $3.50)
You do not have to donate these amounts, anything will be a blessing and will definitely help!
Click here to donate: www.ruthsheart.org/donations
Please put "Esther - school" in the memo of your donation and also mark the recurring box if you'd like to support her each week or each month. 100% of donations will be used to help Ms Esther with her transportation to school. Esther has been a client for several months and has been through a lot. She is also her husband's caretaker who has had several strokes over the last couple years. She is very excited about going back to school! We would love to be part of this journey with her. Thank you for following us, for your support and more importantly for your prayers for Esther and all of our clients who are such blessings to our ministry.