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Welcome to our new blog! Here is where we will be sharing needs of the homeless and less fortunate, stories of hope and inspiration and updates on volunteer and support needs for Ruth's Heart. We hope you will follow and share our blog with others as we seek to serve our neighbors and friends on the streets of Memphis.

Monday, June 30, 2014

It's not just a car...it's a home

Yesterday we met a woman, 61 years old that lives in her car behind a drug store. She has been on a waiting list for housing for over 14 months. The drug store manager lets her stay there and let's her come into the store and freshen up whenever she needs to. I met with her, spent some time walking and talking and as we were walking back to her car she was telling me all about her car and the things she had done to it and the things she wanted to do like replace the ragtop with a different color, replace the luggage rack, etc. at first I thought wow she really loves that car...then I remembered it's not just her car, it's her home...and don't we all tend to tell out friends that visit out home all the things we plan to do? This lady is so lovely and she spent time telling me about all of the "blessings" in her life and the people and churches that bless her with her daily needs like food and water, use of the restroom, microwave, etc. She would say "oh that church blesses me by...and that store blesses me by...and that person blessed me with...

Please join us in praying for her today that she finds housing soon, she is truly an inspiration and all that I "hope" I would be in her situation.

1 John 4:7-8
7Let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born if God and knows God. 8Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The blessing of food...

I'm reminded this morning of the blessing of 'food'. While my pantry sits pretty much "full" (though I often can't find anything to eat) I am reminded by a sweet woman that so many people are in homes that look normal, that we drive by every day and don't realize that the people are "hungry inside that home". We are busy this morning catching up on calls but something told me to take this call instead of letting them leave a message while we continue to catch up, this feeling happens pretty often and it's never failed that I was glad I did!  Today it was a single woman with a 16 year old son and they just moved into their new apartment (hardly new, but new to them) and they have NO food at ALL (not just the stuff in the pantry that we don't feel like eating).
 We hope to share some HOPE with this mom and son today by taking her an emergency food bag and a couple bus passes for her and her son to go to the local food pantries so their pantry is "no longer empty". 

If you would like to provide a food bag or bus passes to families like this, become a $40 per month donor and you can help give HOPE and make a difference in someone's life by providing for a family just like this one every month. Become a monthly donor and begin changing someone's life today!

 Visit http://www.ruthsheart.org or http://ruthsheart.blogspot.com
To share this story send this link to a friend: 


If you are unable to support us with financial gifts, we certainly understand and ask if you would please just remember our ministry and the people and families we serve in your prayers.  Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The blessing of a bed...

Last night we met a young couple in Memphis to give them a list of resources and to put a little gas in their car. They have been living in their car for several weeks, he lost his job, then their home, and has been paying the car payment so they have somewhere to live. They finally found a boarding house that they could afford and the bed has bed bugs and ticks...so they are sleeping in the car... in the driveway...he told me he can't remember the last time he slept straight more than an hour. Today we are on a mission to get them a bed! If you would like to help please make a donation on our webpage (any amount will help!) so we can purchase a bed, sheets, and pillows so they can rest their weary heads tonight and sleep!


Also, she is 4 months pregnant, the gas we purchased was for her to make her OB appointment this morning. If you can, please help with a donation at:
ALL DONATIONS RECEIVED TODAY WILL GO TO THIS COUPLE.  And if you can't help financially, even more importantly please keep them in your prayers, they are a sweet young couple getting off to a very rough start. Thank you and remember to count your blessings today, I was reminded by this couple that our blessings are so plentiful!!! 

Matthew 11:28
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

A Short Ride To A Better Life...

One of the things Ruth's Heart has been providing more and more of are bus tickets...

Our only requirement is that the client can verify they have a place to go and / or a job lined up and it's a better situation for them than they are currently in. 

This morning we purchased tickets for a man to return to his home in Alabama where he has enough money to pay for an extended stay for 2 weeks and has a job starting on Sunday!!!  We are so blessed to help him today and wish him the very best!  As we say so often, it's the little things (like a bus ticket) that can truly make the biggest difference in someone's life. 

Thank you for following and supporting our ministry because together we CAN change people's lives!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Single Moms

We have heard from 4 single moms in the last 2 days that are either being evicted or their utilities cut off.  All of them seem to be trying so hard, working, providing for their children the best they can but just can't quite make it.  One told me that they have had to chose who eats on which days in her family to be sure they could pay the rent but can't cover utilities.  Another's utilities are already off so her and her 4 children are in a local shelter.  Another mom we spoke to today has a part-time job and is interviewing for a second part-time job tomorrow.  None of these positive things they do are taken into consideration when they apply for assistance.  I know they have made decisions that got them where they are but what is troubling is that because they ARE WORKING, they don't qualify for assistance.  Now, if they lose (or QUIT) their jobs, then they will qualify for help...if it were you and your children what would you do???  Would you quit working???  I'm ashamed to say that if my child was hungry I might.  I'm very sad for these moms today because the need is so big, I fear that most of the 4 will either be without utilities or without a home over the next week or two.

We are asking for donations and will put 100% of what we collect towards helping these 4 families.  If you would like to help, please PRAY for these moms and children #1, and if possible, help financially #2. 

If you are able to make a donation, please put "moms" in the memo.  www.ruthsheart.org/donations

Thank you and please take a moment to kiss your family and consider all of your blessings today!!!